AI Reports
Unbiased News
Humans are inherently biased. From childhood we learn different ways of interpreting our surrounding reality and subjectively take decisions from what we have known in the past and been taught. It is difficult to be completely unbiased, as the natural instinct to make judgements based on first impressions and pre-conceived ideas or limited knowledge derives from our response to a circumjacent environment that is determined by what we have learned and experienced previously, and is different from someone else’s perspective.
There are many cognitive biases interfering with how we process data, think critically, and perceive reality. We are each entitled to our own personal viewpoints, and understanding objectively the complexity of an ever changing world is increasingly difficult because of the way traditional media compartmentalizes discourses in thought bubbles. People frequently look for ways to justify existing convictions without having seen the whole picture, by limiting a vantage point to a few sources only, repeating the same beliefs and letting social dynamics of group thinking override factual data, resulting in echo chambers. Diversity of information is crucial for being able to form an objective understanding of complex topics. Information bias is one of the biggest problems today as people consume heavily opinionated or one-sided content which present highly selected facts leaning to a particular side. Unconscious biases are common and we are often unaware of our own bias and the effect it is having on our perception and attitudes, while they operate outside of a person’s awareness and control.
The legacy media has created silos of curated information with agenda bias exploiting and influencing psychology, ending up dividing people by only sharing one side of the conversation. Bias is a complex issue and we do not agree with the simplistic traditional dichotomy of binary political affinities of left or right wings. Polls show that less than half of the population trust in mass media coverage nowadays as it has become more and more divided in those two categories. Assigning labels to media sources is also a bias and we do not adhere to limiting the views of multiple journalists to a single left or right rating because they are writing for a specific publisher. We aim to establish trust by using artificial intelligence as a tool for creating unique unbiased news reports of expanded coverage assessing divergent viewpoints grouped by topics, breaking down polarizing walls of isolation and allowing you to view relevant topics from many different perspectives, giving you better tools to stay informed and come to your own conclusions.
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